Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Friendship not yet over. :)

A lot of people had already warned me about you.
That there will come a time you will leave me as your friend; that you will just pass by me at one moment, not remembering our more than 2 years of friendship; that everything will be over.

Actually, I do not know how to believe them. Cos since I met you exactly 3 1/2 years ago, you have been there constantly until now. You knew everything that is happening to me. As well as me, I knew all your whereabouts in life. Whether you had your first college girlfriend, broke up with her, had 3-5 flings within a year, cut classes, flunk subjects and repeated them over, puke while drinking, etc.

I guess those people who warned me also care that I might just be hurt in the end.
But of course, it's up to me. Actually, I have a choice to leave you first before you doing that. But then again, you managed to stick around in the last 3 1/2 years of our friendship, so why do so?

Anyway, I hope this is forever. You are one of the few people I trust and care the most.
Cheers to good and long-lasting friendship!

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