Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Breakthrough Artist/Contestant: ANGELA MILLER

Hey y'all. I know it's been a while since I wrote something here. A lot of things happened but let me start this comeback with something positive. 

It's another year for American Idol and usually, I will start watching it when the finalists are revealed. This year, Angela Miller of Massachusetts made me watch replays and Youtube videos of Idol over and over again. 

She got me with her original song "You Set Me Free" which she performed during the Hollywood solo week of the competition. I am no expert when it comes to music and all but I was stunned when I heard that song for the first time! Wow! Amazing! I was singing that song for a couple of days after hearing that, it's just, I was never tired of listening to it. I instantly downloaded her Youtube video of that performance and every single time I will open my computer, I have to watch that first before anything else. It hasn't been released yet but it's popular and viral already. I can't imagine the time that she will record the full song and sell it on iTunes and on her own album as well, it's going to be crazy popular! For those of you who has not seen it yet, here is her performance video in Hollywood week for American Idol. Of course, she got standing O's after. 

Since then, I followed her every performance and got LSS-ed of the songs she performed for weeks. One excpetional performance was when she sang Nobody's Perfect by Jessie J during the Sudden Death round of Idol. I absolutely loved it and instantly searched for the original version. I was surprised because Angela's version was a lot different from Jessie J's. To add to that, I liked Angela's version more than the original. Isn't  it amazing? I also liked how she performed it with her eyes. Here's that video of her performing "Nobody's Perfect" 

Last but not the least,  her performance of "Never Gone" by Colton Dixon seals the deal for her in Top 10. I've never heard of the original version but I am certainly sure that it's as beautiful as how Angie sang it. Mad props to Colton Dixon for writing that song. She did it with her piano again and for the second time, the judges were blown away with her performance. And so is America since she is now part of the Top 10. Here's her video of "Never Gone". 

And OMG I just found out now (as I am writing this entry) that she did a beautiful version of my love Taylor Swift's We are Never getting back Together"! WOW. Taylor Swift's awesome songwriting skills plus Angela  Miller's voice and artistry equals awesome! Can't wait to hear it (and download and get LSS-es yet again).

This girl is plainly awesome. I can't wait for the live performances of Idol to start and see her go through each week until the Finals. After the past 6 seasons of which WGWG (White Guy With Guitar) won the competition, I agree with what Angela said early on in the competition, "It's definitely a year for a girl to win".  I am betting it's gonna be her! Her voice, songwriting skill, artistry will bring her to the top. And can I just say this, it was very sweet for Keith Urban to say this when Angie was revealed to be in the top 10 "All you needed is a break." That means Keith Urban himself believes that Angela can win it! 

Alright, so much for fangirling. I hope you also support her. If I could just vote, I will! I am really excited for her to record her own album and be a true star that she is. Let's support Angela Miller! 

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